Why 2 sets of scripts? ===================== In DOS, lines ends with while Unix ends with just . To accomdate all users, the .txt versions were converted to DOS using the vim command described below. from http://vim.sourceforge.net/tips/tip.php?tip_id=145 Those of us doomed to work in both the Unix and Windows world have many times encountered files that were create/editted on systems other that the one we are on at the time of our edits. We can easily correct the dreaded '^M' at the end of our Unix lines, or make files have more than one line in DOS by: To change from (DOS) to just (Unix): :set fileformat=unix :w Or to change back the other way: :set fileformat=dos :w It also works for Apple land: :set fileformat=mac :w And to tell the difference: set statusline=%<%f%h%m%r%=%{&ff}\ %l,%c%V\ %P ^^^^^ This shows what the current file's format is. Happy Vimming!